lørdag den 31. januar 2009
Blogindlæg 31/01-09 23:03
Jeg tror, jeg har fået min tankegang, fordi jeg som lille har set for meget "Ørkenens Sønner" med mine forældre.. XD
Blogindlæg 31/01-09 22:48
Tænk at jeg skal citere en grand prix sang (det gælder ikke, at The Dreams deltog XD haha..) Men der er lige noget ved "Det' det" med Sukkerchok (sker der for navnet XD)
Det' det der gør dig helt uopnåelig
Det' det der gør dig helt uimodståelig
Varmen i dit smil
Gløden i dit blik
Alt det jeg elsker
Det' det
Det' det der gør dig helt uopnåelig
Det' det der gør dig helt uimodståelig
Varmen i dit smil
Gløden i dit blik
Alt det jeg elsker
Det' det
Blogindlæg 31/01-09 20:49
Billie Joe på "Bullet In A Bible" DVD'en ligefør de spiller "Holiday":
"This song is not anti-American... It's anti... WAR!"
Og så lige den fede del af Holiday:
Ziel-heil to the president gas-man
Bombs away it's your punishment!
Pulverise the eiffel towers
Who critize your government
Bang bang goes the broken glass
And kill all the fags that don't agree
Trials by fire setting fire
It's not a way that's meant for me
Just 'cause, just 'cause, because we're outlaws, yeah
Billie Joe på "Bullet In A Bible" DVD'en ligefør de spiller "Holiday":
"This song is not anti-American... It's anti... WAR!"
Og så lige den fede del af Holiday:
Ziel-heil to the president gas-man
Bombs away it's your punishment!
Pulverise the eiffel towers
Who critize your government
Bang bang goes the broken glass
And kill all the fags that don't agree
Trials by fire setting fire
It's not a way that's meant for me
Just 'cause, just 'cause, because we're outlaws, yeah
Blogindlæg 31/01-09 20:25
Dagens humør: Guitar-mood. Har lært "Smoke On The Water" riffet idag, og "CrushCrushCrush", yayness.. OG "Born For This" elsker, når jeg endelig fatter noget og lærer en sang XD
Dagens optur: At mit hår faktisk er ret sejt nu. Sort og skrigende rødt.
Dagens nedtur: At mit hår ikke kunne blive helt rødt :( .. Og at hår altid er irriterende, lige når det er blevet klippet.
Dagens sang: Paramore - Lovesick Melody - Teksten er fantastisk.
Dagens video: Green Day - American Idiot - Fordi vi måske skal spille den til forårskoncerten, og fordi den er pisse fed!
Dagens griner: Der har ikke været nogen i dag, tror jeg? Eller.. Ikke en, der har gjort. Men i går var det IGEN Jacob og Danny, haha.. De er simpelthen så sjove at spise frokost med.
Dagens tilføjelser: Det er rigtig irriterende, at mit hår ikke kunne blive helt rødt. Jeg kan godt lide mit hår nu. Men alligevel er det lidt irriterende, at det er så blikfangsagtigt nu. I can't blend in when I want to.. Just gotta get used to it I guess.. Oh, og så savner jeg ham helt vildt. It's killing me. Jeg burde tage mig sammen nu. Men det kan jeg bare ikke. Fuck mig.
Dagens optur: At mit hår faktisk er ret sejt nu. Sort og skrigende rødt.
Dagens nedtur: At mit hår ikke kunne blive helt rødt :( .. Og at hår altid er irriterende, lige når det er blevet klippet.
Dagens sang: Paramore - Lovesick Melody - Teksten er fantastisk.
Dagens video: Green Day - American Idiot - Fordi vi måske skal spille den til forårskoncerten, og fordi den er pisse fed!
Dagens griner: Der har ikke været nogen i dag, tror jeg? Eller.. Ikke en, der har gjort. Men i går var det IGEN Jacob og Danny, haha.. De er simpelthen så sjove at spise frokost med.
Dagens tilføjelser: Det er rigtig irriterende, at mit hår ikke kunne blive helt rødt. Jeg kan godt lide mit hår nu. Men alligevel er det lidt irriterende, at det er så blikfangsagtigt nu. I can't blend in when I want to.. Just gotta get used to it I guess.. Oh, og så savner jeg ham helt vildt. It's killing me. Jeg burde tage mig sammen nu. Men det kan jeg bare ikke. Fuck mig.
Blogindlæg 31/01-09 20:08
Jeg vil have en flot blog ligesom Nanna, jeg er bare for fucking doven.. Suk.. XD Så Anyway... Biggies news! Fra igår har vores bandnavn officially været... Are you ready?
Tranquillizing Eclipse
... Which in danish is kind of ... Beroligende Måneformørkelse .. XD
Tranquillizing kommer af, at vi i engelsk læser et stykke, hvor en mand ligger på hospitalet, og han er så blevet lam fra nakken og ned. Så det eneste han kan, det er at snakke. Og så fordi lægerne mener, at han har en depression, så skal han så have en "tranquillizer", som vil berolige ham. Men det vil han så ikke.. Men anyway, haha.. Det er det..
Og Eclipse er navnet på den tredje bog i "Twillight"-serien, som vi alle er vilde med. Så jah, det er det.. XD
Tranquillizing Eclipse
... Which in danish is kind of ... Beroligende Måneformørkelse .. XD
Tranquillizing kommer af, at vi i engelsk læser et stykke, hvor en mand ligger på hospitalet, og han er så blevet lam fra nakken og ned. Så det eneste han kan, det er at snakke. Og så fordi lægerne mener, at han har en depression, så skal han så have en "tranquillizer", som vil berolige ham. Men det vil han så ikke.. Men anyway, haha.. Det er det..
Og Eclipse er navnet på den tredje bog i "Twillight"-serien, som vi alle er vilde med. Så jah, det er det.. XD
torsdag den 29. januar 2009
Blogindlæg 29/01-09 20:31
Hov, der burde også være én, der hed dagens griner: for dem er der mange af i min hverdag! XD.. Nok kun mig, der fatter det, men så er det sjovt for MIG at kigge tilbage på det.. Men så må dagens griner for i dag være Dannys og Jacobs mærkelige samtale om at have en delfin farm, hvor man troede at delfinerne var får og derfor barberede dem XD Haha.. Meget sort.. Og så bare Jacobs illustration af delfin-skriget XD Virkelig sjovt! "Hold op med at bræge!" XD Haha.. Omg, ja okay..
Blogindlæg 29/01-09 18:04

Det her må være dagens billede. Alt for cool!
.. Along with any song in guy version: Let the Flames Begin, eeeeelsker Hayleys guy-stemme XD Haha..
Blogindlæg 29/01-09 18:00
Admitted, I'm a little Hayley-freak. Men fuck det, jeg skal til frisøren på Lørdag! Yay! Mit hår er waaay too irriterende, langt OG med udvoksning.. Something must be done... So...


Den farve i frisure billederne er også meget cool faktisk, men tjah.. Dunno if it'll suit me.. Og den er også meget lys, ved ikke engang om jeg kan få den der decode farve i, fordi mit hår praktisk talt er sort lige nu... T___T Anyway.. Min udvoksning skal bare væk XD


Den farve i frisure billederne er også meget cool faktisk, men tjah.. Dunno if it'll suit me.. Og den er også meget lys, ved ikke engang om jeg kan få den der decode farve i, fordi mit hår praktisk talt er sort lige nu... T___T Anyway.. Min udvoksning skal bare væk XD
Blogindlæg 29/01-09 17:30
Dagens humør: Well, det ved jeg faktisk ikke rigtigt. Så'n lidt bop bop bop (sagt på Benny måde)
Dagens optur: Musik! Yay, det er så great at få lov til at spille musik efter skole :D
Dagens nedtur: At blive tvunget ti at være sammen med verdens mest irriterende person, og at det skal fortsætte i 2½ år!!!
Dagens sang: Hellogoodbye - Here in your arms
Dagens video: McFly - Just My Luck, en eller anden der har lavet den, jeg synes bare det er fedt lavet..
Dagens tilføjelser: Jeg bliver nødt til at slappe af, når jeg ser "venner", jeg tuder alt for meget, når man tænker på, at det er en komedie serie XD
+ Noget til Nanna, jeg læste det om motionen, og så ville jeg lige tilføje til hende, at jeg har fået givet mig selv det løfte, at jeg cykler på vores alt for ubrugte motionscykel hver dag i en halv time. Jeg er faktisk ret god til at holde det, selvom det smutter det par gange, men altså.. Still.. XD
Dagens optur: Musik! Yay, det er så great at få lov til at spille musik efter skole :D
Dagens nedtur: At blive tvunget ti at være sammen med verdens mest irriterende person, og at det skal fortsætte i 2½ år!!!
Dagens sang: Hellogoodbye - Here in your arms
Dagens video: McFly - Just My Luck, en eller anden der har lavet den, jeg synes bare det er fedt lavet..
Dagens tilføjelser: Jeg bliver nødt til at slappe af, når jeg ser "venner", jeg tuder alt for meget, når man tænker på, at det er en komedie serie XD
+ Noget til Nanna, jeg læste det om motionen, og så ville jeg lige tilføje til hende, at jeg har fået givet mig selv det løfte, at jeg cykler på vores alt for ubrugte motionscykel hver dag i en halv time. Jeg er faktisk ret god til at holde det, selvom det smutter det par gange, men altså.. Still.. XD
Blogindlæg 29/01-09 17:10
Undskyld Nanna, jeg er nederen, men jeg elsker dit opdatering-af-dagen-skema, så jeg bliver nødt til også at lave et! XD Please kill me, Nanna, hvis jeg skal tage mig sammen og lade være med at tage din idé..
Dagens humør:
Dagens optur:
Dagens nedtur:
Dagens sang:
Dagens video:
Dagens tilføjelser:
Dagens humør:
Dagens optur:
Dagens nedtur:
Dagens sang:
Dagens video:
Dagens tilføjelser:
onsdag den 21. januar 2009
Blogindlæg 21/01-09 19:31
Song of the day
The Hives - Tick Tick Boom
- Tak til Jacob, for opfriskningen af den sang. Havde helt glemt, hvor fucking fed den er!
The Hives - Tick Tick Boom
- Tak til Jacob, for opfriskningen af den sang. Havde helt glemt, hvor fucking fed den er!
Blogindlæg 21/01-09 19:21
Smother Me - The Used
Let me be the one who calls you baby
All the time
Surely you can take some comfort
Knowing that you're mine
Just hold me tight, lay by my side
and let me be the one who calls you
Baby all the time
I found my place in the world
Could stare at your face for the rest of
my days
Now I can breathe, turn my insides out
and Smother me
Warm and alive I'm all over you
would you smother me?
Let me be the one who never leaves
You all alone
I hold my breath and lose the feeling
That I'm on my own
Hold me too tight stay by my side
and let me be the one who calls you
Baby all the time
I found my place in the world
Could stare at your face for the rest of
my days
Now I can breathe, turn my insides out
and Smother me
Warm and alive I'm all over you
would you smother me?
When I'm alone time goes so slow
I need you here with me
and how my mistakes have made
Your heart break
Still I need you here with me
Baby I'm here
Now I can breathe, turn my insides out
and Smother me
Warm and alive I'm all over you
would you smother me?
Now I can breathe, turn my insides out
and Smother me
Warm and alive I'm all over you
would you smother me?
Let me be the one who calls you baby
All the time
Let me be the one who calls you baby
All the time
Let me be the one who calls you baby
All the time
Let me be the one who calls you baby
The one who calls you baby
Let me be the one who calls you baby
All the time
Surely you can take some comfort
Knowing that you're mine
Just hold me tight, lay by my side
and let me be the one who calls you
Baby all the time
I found my place in the world
Could stare at your face for the rest of
my days
Now I can breathe, turn my insides out
and Smother me
Warm and alive I'm all over you
would you smother me?
Let me be the one who never leaves
You all alone
I hold my breath and lose the feeling
That I'm on my own
Hold me too tight stay by my side
and let me be the one who calls you
Baby all the time
I found my place in the world
Could stare at your face for the rest of
my days
Now I can breathe, turn my insides out
and Smother me
Warm and alive I'm all over you
would you smother me?
When I'm alone time goes so slow
I need you here with me
and how my mistakes have made
Your heart break
Still I need you here with me
Baby I'm here
Now I can breathe, turn my insides out
and Smother me
Warm and alive I'm all over you
would you smother me?
Now I can breathe, turn my insides out
and Smother me
Warm and alive I'm all over you
would you smother me?
Let me be the one who calls you baby
All the time
Let me be the one who calls you baby
All the time
Let me be the one who calls you baby
All the time
Let me be the one who calls you baby
The one who calls you baby
Blogindlæg 21/01-09 19:09
Haha, elsker altså den her sang.. Den er så sjov..
Falling For You - Busted
Semester's coming soon
So I would like to mention
I woke up in my room
Alone, you're always welcome
Next week my mom's away
So now my future's brightened
I'd ask to have you stay
If I wasn't to frightened
I, I'm really falling for you
I, hate what you're putting me through
What have you done to me now?
I just can't sleep at night
My bed is wet, don't know how
Will someone please turn on the light?
You showed up at my door
Just like in a teen movie
I said, "Are you the whore
I paid to come and fuck me?"
I guess she found it funny
When I said, "Hello Honey"
The piercing in her belly
It turn my legs to jelly
I, I'm really falling for you
I, hate what you're putting me through
What have you done to me now?
I just can't sleep at night
My bet is wet don't know how
Will someone please turn on the light?
Taking over my life
But I don't seem to mind
And there's no stopping you
Taking me on a ride
I, I'm really falling for you
I, hate what you're putting me through
What have you done to me now?
I just can't sleep at night
My bet is wet don't know how
Will someone please turn on the light?
hahaha, elsker 2. vers.. Omg, hahaha, hun må virkelig kunne lide ham meget, når hun synes det er sjovt, at han sammenligner hende med en luder XD ..
Falling For You - Busted
Semester's coming soon
So I would like to mention
I woke up in my room
Alone, you're always welcome
Next week my mom's away
So now my future's brightened
I'd ask to have you stay
If I wasn't to frightened
I, I'm really falling for you
I, hate what you're putting me through
What have you done to me now?
I just can't sleep at night
My bed is wet, don't know how
Will someone please turn on the light?
You showed up at my door
Just like in a teen movie
I said, "Are you the whore
I paid to come and fuck me?"
I guess she found it funny
When I said, "Hello Honey"
The piercing in her belly
It turn my legs to jelly
I, I'm really falling for you
I, hate what you're putting me through
What have you done to me now?
I just can't sleep at night
My bet is wet don't know how
Will someone please turn on the light?
Taking over my life
But I don't seem to mind
And there's no stopping you
Taking me on a ride
I, I'm really falling for you
I, hate what you're putting me through
What have you done to me now?
I just can't sleep at night
My bet is wet don't know how
Will someone please turn on the light?
hahaha, elsker 2. vers.. Omg, hahaha, hun må virkelig kunne lide ham meget, når hun synes det er sjovt, at han sammenligner hende med en luder XD ..
Blogindlæg 21/01-09 18:54
You want to read the first song I've finished? .. Det er så "Would I Mess Up? ("Just Friends" Isn't Good Enough)", det burde ikke være svært at regne ud, hvad historien i den er..
Would I mess up
If I mention the truth?
All I want is to feel your kiss
And your hand in mine
I want the look in your eyes
To be more than friendly
I want you to feel the passion I feel
I want you to know my love is real
It's not that I don't like what we have
I just can't help wanting more
"Just friends" just isn't good enough
But would I mess up
If I mention the truth?
I'm sorry that I can't forget
Feelings are just stronger than mind
My heartbeats are only for you
But would I mess up
If I mention the truth?
Why can't you just realise
That I'm not just one of the guys
Boy, when you look in my eyes
You overtake me
I want you to feel the passion I feel
I want you to know my love is real
Omkvæd x 2
My heart beats only for you x3
But would I mess up
If I mention the truth?
Let me know, if you like it, please? (: ..
Would I mess up
If I mention the truth?
All I want is to feel your kiss
And your hand in mine
I want the look in your eyes
To be more than friendly
I want you to feel the passion I feel
I want you to know my love is real
It's not that I don't like what we have
I just can't help wanting more
"Just friends" just isn't good enough
But would I mess up
If I mention the truth?
I'm sorry that I can't forget
Feelings are just stronger than mind
My heartbeats are only for you
But would I mess up
If I mention the truth?
Why can't you just realise
That I'm not just one of the guys
Boy, when you look in my eyes
You overtake me
I want you to feel the passion I feel
I want you to know my love is real
Omkvæd x 2
My heart beats only for you x3
But would I mess up
If I mention the truth?
Let me know, if you like it, please? (: ..
mandag den 19. januar 2009
Blogindlæg 19/01-09 19:58
Jeg skal til "Twilight" forpremiere!!!
- Yay! Vandt boogies konkurrence!! :D
- Yay! Vandt boogies konkurrence!! :D
Blogindlæg 19/01-09 19:57
Jeg har været totally kreativ de seneste par dage og lavet 2 sange! :D Haha.. Den ene er en looove song, det er den anden på en måde også, men så alligevel ikke.. Jeg meget glad for dem :D Hehe.. Jeg er ikke helt sure på navnene endnu, indtil videre hedder de "Black Eyes" og "Would I Mess Up ("Just Friends" Just Isn't Good Enough)".. Hehe.. ved ikke hvorfor det skulle skrives her.. Teksterne poster jeg måske på et tidspunkt.
onsdag den 14. januar 2009
Blogindlæg 14/01-09 19:27
Jeg glæder mig til fest på Fredag!! :D:D
Og så har dagen været fuldt med små doser af glæde. *hint til mig selv* XD .. Just a few seconds is enough for me to be gone. I still want more.
Og så har dagen været fuldt med små doser af glæde. *hint til mig selv* XD .. Just a few seconds is enough for me to be gone. I still want more.
Blogindlæg 14/01-09 19:25
I know I wanna run away
I know I wanna run away
Run away
If only I could run away
If only I could run away
Run away
I told you what I wanted
I told you what I wanted
What I wanted
But I was forgotten
I wont be forgotten
Never again!
I know I wanna run away
Run away
If only I could run away
If only I could run away
Run away
I told you what I wanted
I told you what I wanted
What I wanted
But I was forgotten
I wont be forgotten
Never again!
Blogindlæg 14/01-09 19:23
Niels Buckingham (Langt Fra Las Vegas) på hashkager: "Gå med fred, bror kanin!" ..
Hahahaha.. Bare så sjovt! XD
Hahahaha.. Bare så sjovt! XD
tirsdag den 6. januar 2009
mandag den 5. januar 2009
Blogindlæg 05/01-09 20:11
Dagens hadeliste:
Mig selv, fordi jeg er laver hadelister XD
Mig selv (igen), fordi jeg har en pigehjerne der bekymrer sig for meget.
At gå tidligt i seng.
At fryse om fingrene.
At have grimt hår.
At skulle alene til guitar.
At skulle i skole i morgen.
At have ondt i ryggen.
Mig selv, fordi jeg ikke kunne finde på noget bedre end "elskeliste" lyder det bare dumt, eller hvad? XD
Dagens elskeliste:
Dig! Fordi du gider at kigge i min blog.
At være stortset færdig med biologi.
At blive lettet.
Én, som fortjener et undskyld for min pessimistiske holdning.
At gide at få pulsen op i en time.
Musik! (Altid!)
Min hue, fordi den kan skjule mit grimme hår.
Svedbankens små sjove input i min playliste.
Ham dér, du ved nok.
Mette! Fordi hun er sød til at hjælpe.
Louise! Fordi vi har skrevet meget i går og i dag (:
Papa Roachs nye sang.
Secondhand Serenade.
Det sjove i B.Y.O.B med System Of a Down.
Mig selv, fordi jeg er laver hadelister XD
Mig selv (igen), fordi jeg har en pigehjerne der bekymrer sig for meget.
At gå tidligt i seng.
At fryse om fingrene.
At have grimt hår.
At skulle alene til guitar.
At skulle i skole i morgen.
At have ondt i ryggen.
Mig selv, fordi jeg ikke kunne finde på noget bedre end "elskeliste" lyder det bare dumt, eller hvad? XD
Dagens elskeliste:
Dig! Fordi du gider at kigge i min blog.
At være stortset færdig med biologi.
At blive lettet.
Én, som fortjener et undskyld for min pessimistiske holdning.
At gide at få pulsen op i en time.
Musik! (Altid!)
Min hue, fordi den kan skjule mit grimme hår.
Svedbankens små sjove input i min playliste.
Ham dér, du ved nok.
Mette! Fordi hun er sød til at hjælpe.
Louise! Fordi vi har skrevet meget i går og i dag (:
Papa Roachs nye sang.
Secondhand Serenade.
Det sjove i B.Y.O.B med System Of a Down.
Blogindlæg 05/01-09 15:30
Avril Lavigne - Losing Grip
Are you aware of what you make me feel, baby?
Right now I feel invisible to you
Like I'm not real
Didn't you feel me lock my arms around you?
Why'd you turn away?
Here's what I have to say..
I was left to cry there
Waiting outside there
Grinning with a lost stare
That's when I decided;
Why should I care!?
'Cause you weren't there
When I was scared
I was so alone
You, you need to listen!
I'm staring to trip
I'm losing my grip
And I'm in this thing alone
Am I just some chick you placed beside you
to take somebodys place?
When you turn around can you recognize my face?
You used to love me
You used to hug me
But that wasn't the case
Everything wasn't okay
I was left to cry there
Waiting outside there
Grinning with a lost stare
That's when I decided;
Why should I care!?
'Cause you weren't there
When I was scared
I was so alone
You, you need to listen!
I'm staring to trip
I'm losing my grip
And I'm in this thing alone
Crying out loud
I'm crying out loud
Crying out loud
I'm crying out loud
Open your eyes!
Open up wide!
Why should I care?
'Cause you weren't there
When I was scared
I was so alone
Why should I care!?
'Cause you weren't there
When I was scared
I was so alone
Why should I care!?
If you don't care
Then I don't care
We're not going anywhere
Why should I care!?
'Cause you weren't there
When I was scared
I was so alone
Why should I care!?
If you don't care
Then I don't care
We're not going anywhere
Are you aware of what you make me feel, baby?
Right now I feel invisible to you
Like I'm not real
Didn't you feel me lock my arms around you?
Why'd you turn away?
Here's what I have to say..
I was left to cry there
Waiting outside there
Grinning with a lost stare
That's when I decided;
Why should I care!?
'Cause you weren't there
When I was scared
I was so alone
You, you need to listen!
I'm staring to trip
I'm losing my grip
And I'm in this thing alone
Am I just some chick you placed beside you
to take somebodys place?
When you turn around can you recognize my face?
You used to love me
You used to hug me
But that wasn't the case
Everything wasn't okay
I was left to cry there
Waiting outside there
Grinning with a lost stare
That's when I decided;
Why should I care!?
'Cause you weren't there
When I was scared
I was so alone
You, you need to listen!
I'm staring to trip
I'm losing my grip
And I'm in this thing alone
Crying out loud
I'm crying out loud
Crying out loud
I'm crying out loud
Open your eyes!
Open up wide!
Why should I care?
'Cause you weren't there
When I was scared
I was so alone
Why should I care!?
'Cause you weren't there
When I was scared
I was so alone
Why should I care!?
If you don't care
Then I don't care
We're not going anywhere
Why should I care!?
'Cause you weren't there
When I was scared
I was so alone
Why should I care!?
If you don't care
Then I don't care
We're not going anywhere
Blogindlæg 05/01-09 15:21
Avril Lavigne - I Can Do Better
I couldn't give a damn what you say to me
I don't really care what you think of me
'Cause either way you're gonna think what you believe
There's nothing you could say that would hurt me
I'm better off without you anyway
I thought it would be hard but I'm okay
I don't need you if youre gonna be that way
'Cause with me it's all or nothing
I'm sick of this shit
Don't deny
You're a waste of time
I'm sick of this shit
Don't ask why
I hate you now
So go away from me
You're gone
So long
I can do better
I can do better
Hey you!
I found myself again
That's why
You're gone
I can do better
I can do better
You're so full of shit
I can't stand the way you act I just can't comprehend
I don't think that you can handle it
I'm way over - over it
I will drink as much Limoncello as I can
And I'll do it again and again
I don't really care what you have to say
'Cause you know - you know you're nothing
(I'm so sick)
I'm sick of your shit
Don't deny
You're a waste of time
I'm sick of your shit
Don't ask why
I hate you now
So go away from me
You're gone
So long
I can do better
I can do better
Hey you!
I found myself again
That's why
You're gone
I can do better
I can do better
Whad'ya say?
I told you so
You know that
'Cause I always know
Get outta my face
Hey hey
You're not my taste
Hey hey
I am so
Sick of you (Sick of you)
You're on my nerves
I want to puke
Get outta my face
Hey hey
You're not my taste
Hey hey
Hey hey!
Hey hey!
I hate you now
So go away from me
You're gone
So long
I can do better
I can do better
Hey! (Hey!)
Hey you! (Hey you!)
I found myself again (I found!)
That's why
You're gone (You're gone)
I can do better
I can do better
I hate you now
So go away from me
You're gone
So long (So long)
I can do better
I can do better
Hey! (Hey!)
Hey you! (Hey you!)
I found myself again
That's why (That's why)
You're gone (You're gone)
I can do better
I can do better
I couldn't give a damn what you say to me
I don't really care what you think of me
'Cause either way you're gonna think what you believe
There's nothing you could say that would hurt me
I'm better off without you anyway
I thought it would be hard but I'm okay
I don't need you if youre gonna be that way
'Cause with me it's all or nothing
I'm sick of this shit
Don't deny
You're a waste of time
I'm sick of this shit
Don't ask why
I hate you now
So go away from me
You're gone
So long
I can do better
I can do better
Hey you!
I found myself again
That's why
You're gone
I can do better
I can do better
You're so full of shit
I can't stand the way you act I just can't comprehend
I don't think that you can handle it
I'm way over - over it
I will drink as much Limoncello as I can
And I'll do it again and again
I don't really care what you have to say
'Cause you know - you know you're nothing
(I'm so sick)
I'm sick of your shit
Don't deny
You're a waste of time
I'm sick of your shit
Don't ask why
I hate you now
So go away from me
You're gone
So long
I can do better
I can do better
Hey you!
I found myself again
That's why
You're gone
I can do better
I can do better
Whad'ya say?
I told you so
You know that
'Cause I always know
Get outta my face
Hey hey
You're not my taste
Hey hey
I am so
Sick of you (Sick of you)
You're on my nerves
I want to puke
Get outta my face
Hey hey
You're not my taste
Hey hey
Hey hey!
Hey hey!
I hate you now
So go away from me
You're gone
So long
I can do better
I can do better
Hey! (Hey!)
Hey you! (Hey you!)
I found myself again (I found!)
That's why
You're gone (You're gone)
I can do better
I can do better
I hate you now
So go away from me
You're gone
So long (So long)
I can do better
I can do better
Hey! (Hey!)
Hey you! (Hey you!)
I found myself again
That's why (That's why)
You're gone (You're gone)
I can do better
I can do better
Blogindlæg 05/01-09 15:19
Avril Lavigne - Everything Back But You
Today was the worst day I went through hell
I wish I could remove it from my mind
Two months away from you but I couldn't tell
I thought that everything was gonna be just fine
The post card that you wrote with the stupid little note
Something wasn't quite right about it
It smelt like cheap perfume
And it didnt smell like you
There is no way you can get around it
Because you wrote
I wish you were her
You left out the 'E'
You left without me
And now you're somewhere out there
With a bitch, slut, psycho babe
I hate you, why are guys so lame
Everything I gave you I want everything back but you
My friends tried to tell me all along
That you werent the right one for me
My friends tried to tell me to be strong
I bet you didnt think that I would see
The postcard that you wrote
With the stupid little note
Something wasn't quite right about it
I wanna see you cry
Like I did a thousand times
Now you're losing me, you're losing me now
Because you wrote
I wish you were her
You left out the 'E'
You left without me
And now you're somewhere out there
With a bitch, slut, psycho babe
I hate you, why are guys so lame
Everything I gave you I want everything back but you
The postcard that you wrote
With the stupid little note
Something wasn't quite right about it
It smelled like cheap perfume
And it didnt smell like you
There is no way you can get around it
Because you wrote
I wish you were her
You left out the 'E'
You left without me
And now you're somewhere out there
With a bitch, slut, psycho babe
I hate you, why are guys so lame
Everything I gave you I want everything back but you
I wish you were her
You left out the 'E'
You left without me
Everything back but you
I wish you were her
You left out the 'E'
You left without me
Everything back but you
Today was the worst day I went through hell
I wish I could remove it from my mind
Two months away from you but I couldn't tell
I thought that everything was gonna be just fine
The post card that you wrote with the stupid little note
Something wasn't quite right about it
It smelt like cheap perfume
And it didnt smell like you
There is no way you can get around it
Because you wrote
I wish you were her
You left out the 'E'
You left without me
And now you're somewhere out there
With a bitch, slut, psycho babe
I hate you, why are guys so lame
Everything I gave you I want everything back but you
My friends tried to tell me all along
That you werent the right one for me
My friends tried to tell me to be strong
I bet you didnt think that I would see
The postcard that you wrote
With the stupid little note
Something wasn't quite right about it
I wanna see you cry
Like I did a thousand times
Now you're losing me, you're losing me now
Because you wrote
I wish you were her
You left out the 'E'
You left without me
And now you're somewhere out there
With a bitch, slut, psycho babe
I hate you, why are guys so lame
Everything I gave you I want everything back but you
The postcard that you wrote
With the stupid little note
Something wasn't quite right about it
It smelled like cheap perfume
And it didnt smell like you
There is no way you can get around it
Because you wrote
I wish you were her
You left out the 'E'
You left without me
And now you're somewhere out there
With a bitch, slut, psycho babe
I hate you, why are guys so lame
Everything I gave you I want everything back but you
I wish you were her
You left out the 'E'
You left without me
Everything back but you
I wish you were her
You left out the 'E'
You left without me
Everything back but you
Blogindlæg 05/01-09 15:17
I don't give a damn about you
I don't give a shit about you
I don't give a damn about you
I don't give a shit about you
I'm not gonna cry about some stupid guy
A guy who thinks he's all that
I don't give a shit about you
I don't give a damn about you
I don't give a shit about you
I'm not gonna cry about some stupid guy
A guy who thinks he's all that
Blogindlæg 05/01-09 15:15
Denne dag er dedikeret til girl-power (ikke spice girls!!) sange med budskabet "FUCK DIG!"
søndag den 4. januar 2009
Blogindlæg 05/01-09 01:42
Just Inhale - Smile/Face
Yay, det er cool. Weird, men godt. Godt er ofte lig med weird alligevel. Haha. Anyway.
Fra julekoncerten på min skole, det er så det eneste, der faktisk må blive lagt ud på nettet fra den koncert, fordi der er copyright på alt andet. Lidt nederen, dumme copyright. Men sådan er det. Til gengæld er de fede :p
Yay, det er cool. Weird, men godt. Godt er ofte lig med weird alligevel. Haha. Anyway.
Fra julekoncerten på min skole, det er så det eneste, der faktisk må blive lagt ud på nettet fra den koncert, fordi der er copyright på alt andet. Lidt nederen, dumme copyright. Men sådan er det. Til gengæld er de fede :p
Blogindlæg 04/01-09 21:02
Ærlighed er rart. Når man kommer igang med det. Alle de hemmeligheder. Folkens, hav så lidt som muligt. Det er rart at få dem ud.
Blogindlæg 04/01-09 17:11
Just an old friend coming over now to visit you
And that's what I've become
I let myself in though I'm not supposed to
But I never know when I'm done
And I see you fogging up the mirror
Your body glisens in the shower
And I wanna stay right here
And go down on you for an hour
Or stay and let the days just fade away
In a wild dedication
Take the moment of hope and let it run
And never look back at all the damage we have done now
To each other, to each other, to each other
But when I see you
It's like I'm staring down the sun
And I'm blinded
There's nothing left to do
Still I see you
And that's what I've become
I let myself in though I'm not supposed to
But I never know when I'm done
And I see you fogging up the mirror
Your body glisens in the shower
And I wanna stay right here
And go down on you for an hour
Or stay and let the days just fade away
In a wild dedication
Take the moment of hope and let it run
And never look back at all the damage we have done now
To each other, to each other, to each other
But when I see you
It's like I'm staring down the sun
And I'm blinded
There's nothing left to do
Still I see you
Blogindlæg 04/01-09 17:05
Dagens hadeliste:
Mig selv.
At vær forkølet.
At have en pige-hjerne.
At have ondt i hovedet pga. sine hovetelefoner.
Folk, der ikke svarer på ens sms'er.
Døde samtaler.
Biologi opgave.
Biologi eksamen.
At der er 6 uger til næste ferie.
At være forelsket.
At kede sig.
At svede.
At være depri.
At vide, at man skal tidligt op i morgen.
Mig selv.
At vær forkølet.
At have en pige-hjerne.
At have ondt i hovedet pga. sine hovetelefoner.
Folk, der ikke svarer på ens sms'er.
Døde samtaler.
Biologi opgave.
Biologi eksamen.
At der er 6 uger til næste ferie.
At være forelsket.
At kede sig.
At svede.
At være depri.
At vide, at man skal tidligt op i morgen.
lørdag den 3. januar 2009
Blogindlæg 03/01-09 20:32
Son of Dork - Holly, I'm the one
I'm hiding in a bush outside your window
I'm feeling sick and numb
Fed all my best lines to my best friend
So he could be the one
But I'm a jerk
Because it worked
And I just realised what I've done
Guess I'll never be the guy to get the girl
Set it up so that he could rock your world
Promise me when you scream you fake it
Holly, I'm the one you should be dating
Seeing you with him is so frustrating
I taught him everything he knows
You fell for every single line I gave him
I know that I'm dumb but holly, I'm the one
(Holly, I'm the one)
So maybe I should just go home now
And let you have your fun
It doesn't make it any easier
I live across the street, good one
If that clown lets you down
Holly, you know where to come
Yes, I could have been the guy to get the girl
Yes, I could have been the one to rock your world
But I'm not, so I've got the face it
Holly, I'm the one you should be dating
Seeing you with him is so frustrating
I taught him everything he knows
He's just a fraud 'cause I'm the guy who made him
I know that I'm dumb but Holly, I'm the one
I can't believe you're at my door
'Cause he confessed that he'd been cheating
Suddenly a chance for me to tell the secret I've been keeping
I am the one, I am the one, I am the one, I am the one, I am the one, I am the one
You said you found out his integrity
And honesty is rare
He swore to you he'd never cheat again
He cried and said he cared
Well, he's a jerk, because it worked
Holly, I'm the one you should be dating
Seeing you with him is so frustrating
I taught him everything he knows
He used to be my best friend
Now I hate him
And it sucks that he won
'Cause he's a dick and you're amazing
And I know that I'm dumb but Holly, I'm the one
I'm hiding in a bush outside your window
I'm feeling sick and numb
Fed all my best lines to my best friend
So he could be the one
But I'm a jerk
Because it worked
And I just realised what I've done
Guess I'll never be the guy to get the girl
Set it up so that he could rock your world
Promise me when you scream you fake it
Holly, I'm the one you should be dating
Seeing you with him is so frustrating
I taught him everything he knows
You fell for every single line I gave him
I know that I'm dumb but holly, I'm the one
(Holly, I'm the one)
So maybe I should just go home now
And let you have your fun
It doesn't make it any easier
I live across the street, good one
If that clown lets you down
Holly, you know where to come
Yes, I could have been the guy to get the girl
Yes, I could have been the one to rock your world
But I'm not, so I've got the face it
Holly, I'm the one you should be dating
Seeing you with him is so frustrating
I taught him everything he knows
He's just a fraud 'cause I'm the guy who made him
I know that I'm dumb but Holly, I'm the one
I can't believe you're at my door
'Cause he confessed that he'd been cheating
Suddenly a chance for me to tell the secret I've been keeping
I am the one, I am the one, I am the one, I am the one, I am the one, I am the one
You said you found out his integrity
And honesty is rare
He swore to you he'd never cheat again
He cried and said he cared
Well, he's a jerk, because it worked
Holly, I'm the one you should be dating
Seeing you with him is so frustrating
I taught him everything he knows
He used to be my best friend
Now I hate him
And it sucks that he won
'Cause he's a dick and you're amazing
And I know that I'm dumb but Holly, I'm the one
Blogindlæg 03/01-09 18:39
Fuck.. I don't really know what to expect from this.. Uvished er irriterende.
Blogindlæg 03/01-09 18:07
Nu tager jeg bare lige de sjoveste (og dem er der nok af)
In my pants:
I'll make a man out of you in my pants
No one can stop us in my pants
Nervous breakdown in my pants
Bazooka in my pants
Det bette egern in my pants
Ring af ild in my pants
This is how we do in my pants
Maria in my pants XD
Åben kanal in my pants (Hahaha)
Let me go in my pants
Ja ok, ja ok, ja ok.. Haha XD
Hvis nogen ikke ved, hvad fanden "In my pants" er, så er det bare at sætte sinj musikplayer på shuffle og så bare sætte "in my pants" efter sangens titel.. Den kan også laves med film osv. Meget sjovt, når man stener.. XD ...
.. Jeg har sgu et trist liv XD
In my pants:
I'll make a man out of you in my pants
No one can stop us in my pants
Nervous breakdown in my pants
Bazooka in my pants
Det bette egern in my pants
Ring af ild in my pants
This is how we do in my pants
Maria in my pants XD
Åben kanal in my pants (Hahaha)
Let me go in my pants
Ja ok, ja ok, ja ok.. Haha XD
Hvis nogen ikke ved, hvad fanden "In my pants" er, så er det bare at sætte sinj musikplayer på shuffle og så bare sætte "in my pants" efter sangens titel.. Den kan også laves med film osv. Meget sjovt, når man stener.. XD ...
.. Jeg har sgu et trist liv XD
Blogindlæg 03/01-09 18:00
In my pants legen er altid sjov at lave, hvis man keder sig... :
No more secrets.. In my pants
Hot.. In my pants
Through struggle.. In my pants
Rollespil-sangen.. In my pants
Why.. In my pants
Tomorrow.. In my pants
No more secrets.. In my pants
Hot.. In my pants
Through struggle.. In my pants
Rollespil-sangen.. In my pants
Why.. In my pants
Tomorrow.. In my pants
Blogindlæg 03/01-09 17:53
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question.
No cheating!
What does next year have in store for me?
What's my love life like?
Extraordinary Girl
What do I say when life gets hard?
What song will I dance to at my wedding?
What do you want as a career?
Your favourite saying?
Favourite place?
What do you think of your parents?
What's your Pornstar name?
So what
Where would you go on a first date?
Lørdag Formiddag
Drug of choice?
Describe yourself:
Do ya
What is the thing i like doing most?
Meet My Maker
The song that best describes my school principal?
What is my state of mind like at the moment?
Love Will Find a Way
How will I die?
Falling For You
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question.
No cheating!
What does next year have in store for me?
What's my love life like?
Extraordinary Girl
What do I say when life gets hard?
What song will I dance to at my wedding?
What do you want as a career?
Your favourite saying?
Favourite place?
What do you think of your parents?
What's your Pornstar name?
So what
Where would you go on a first date?
Lørdag Formiddag
Drug of choice?
Describe yourself:
Do ya
What is the thing i like doing most?
Meet My Maker
The song that best describes my school principal?
What is my state of mind like at the moment?
Love Will Find a Way
How will I die?
Falling For You
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